Download our little WordPress Plugin

Download our little WordPress Plugin

Our team have released a tiny WordPress plugin which is now available to download in the official WordPress directory. The plugin us called ‘Server Host Name‘ (yes not very catchy but at least you know what it does!). The plugin when activated, displays the Web Server Host Name & IP address within the WordPress Admin Bar. We developed this plugin for our own use as we spend many hours migrating Websites to new Web servers, and when you are making changes to DNS settings, it’s not always clear when DNS has fully propagated leaving you scratching your head as to which WordPress installation you are logged into. We thought you might find this useful too so we have released it to the public for free.

Remember, our team at Infusion IT can handle these things for you, such as server migrations, website optimizations or SEO / Security Audits, so feel free to get in touch to discuss your needs.